ADDBUFFERS | Instruct the file system to add cache buffers. |
ADDDATATYPES | Build a list of data types that datatypes.library can understand. |
ALIAS | Set or display command aliases. |
APEEK | Read some Register or Memory. |
APOKE | Write some Register or Memory. |
ASK | Obtain user input when executing a script file. |
ASSIGN | Control assignment of logical device names to file system directories. |
AUTOPOINT | Automatically select any window the pointer is over. |
AVAIL | Report the amount of CHIP and FAST memory available. |
BINDDRIVERS | Bind device drivers to hardware. |
BLANKER | Cause the monitor screen to go blank if no input has been received within a specified period of time. |
BREAK | Set attention flags in the specified process. |
CALCULATOR | Provide an on-screen calculator. |
CD | Set, change, or display the current directory. |
CHANGETASKPRI | Change the priority of a currently running process. |
CLICKTOFRONT | Bring a window to the front of the screen. |
CLOCK | Provide an on-screen clock. |
CMD | Redirect printer output to a file. |
COLORS | Change the colors of the frontmost screen. |
CONCLIP | Move data between the console.device, the clipboard.device and CON: |
COPY | Copy files or directories. |
CPU | Set or clear the CPU caches, check for a particular processor, load the ROM image into fast, 32-b... |
CROSSDOS | Set text filter and conversion options. |
DATE | Display or set the system date and/or time. |
DELETE | Delete files or directories. |
DIR | Display a sorted list of the files in a directory. |
DISKCHANGE | Inform the Amiga that you have changed a disk in a disk drive. |
DISKCOPY | Copy the contents of one disk to another. |
DISPLAY | Display graphics saved in IFF ILBM format. |
ECHO | Display a string. |
ED | Edit text files (a screen editor). |
EDIT | Edit text files by processing the source file sequentially (a line editor). |
ELSE | Specify an alternative for an IF statement in a script file. |
ENDCLI | End a Shell process. |
ENDIF | Terminate an IF block in a script file. |
ENDSHELL | End a Shell process. |
ENDSKIP | Terminate a SKIP block in a script file. |
EVAL | Evaluate simple expressions. |
EXCHANGE | Monitor and control the Commodity Exchange programs. |
EXECUTE | Execute a script with optional argument substitution. |
FAILAT | Instruct a command sequence to fail if a program gives a return code greater than or equal to the given value. |
FAULT | Print the messages(s) for the specified error code(s). |
FILENOTE | Attach a comment to a file. |
FIXFONTS | Update the .font files of the FONTS: directory. |
FKEY | Assign text to function and shifted function keys. |
FONT | Specify the fonts used by the system. |
FORMAT | Format a disk for use with the Amiga. |
FOUNTAIN | Manage use of Intellifont outline fonts. |
GET | Get the value of a local variable. |
GETENV | Get the value of a global variable. |
GRAPHICDUMP | Print the frontmost screen. |
ICONEDIT | Edit the appearance and type of icons. |
ICONTROL | Specify parameters used by the Workbench. |
ICONX | Allow execution of a script file from an icon. |
IF | Evaluate conditional operations in script files. |
INFO | Give information about the file system(s). |
INITPRINTER | Initialize a printer for print options specified in the Preferences editors. |
INPUT | Specify different speeds for the mouse and keyboard and to select a national keyboard. |
INSTALL | Write the boot block to a formatted floppy disk, or credit card, specifying whether it should be bootable. |
INTELLIFONT | Manage use of Intellifont outline fonts. |
IPREFS | Communicate Preferences information stored in the individual editor files to the Workbench and Intuition. |
JOIN | Concatenate two or more files into a new file. |
KEYSHOW | Display the current Keymap. |
LAB | Specify a label in a script file. |
LIST | List specified information about directories and files. |
LOADWB | Start Workbench. |
LOCALE | Allow choice of languages available on system. |
LOCK | Set the write protect status of a device. |
MAGTAPE | Retension, rewind, or skip forward on SCSI tapes. |
MAKEDIR | Create a new directory. |
MAKELINK | Create a link between files. |
MEMACS | Enable screen-oriented text editing. |
MORE | Display the contents of an ASCII file. |
MOUNT | Make a device connected to the system available. |
MULTIVIEW | Display picture files, text files, AmigaGuide help files, sound files, and animated graphics files. |
NEWCLI | Start a new Shell process. |
NEWSHELL | Open a new interactive Shell window. |
NOCAPSLOCK | Disable the Caps Lock key. |
NOFASTMEM | Force the Amiga to use only resident Chip RAM. |
OVERSCAN | Change the sizes of the display areas for text and graphics. |
PALETTE | Change the colors of the Workbench screen. |
PATH | Control the directory list that the Shell searches to find commands. |
POINTER | Change the appearance of the screen pointer. |
PRINTER | Specify a printer and print options. |
PRINTERGFX | Specify graphic printing options. |
PRINTERPS | Control features ofPostScript printers. |
PRINTFILES | Send file(s) to the printer. |
PROMPT | Change the prompt string of the current Shell. |
PROTECT | Change the protection bits of a file. |
QUIT | Exit from a script file with a specified return code. |
RELABEL | Change the volume name of a disk. |
REMRAD | Remove the recoverable ramdrive.device. |
RENAME | Change the name of a file or directory. |
REQUESTCHOICE | Allow AmigaDOS and ARexx scripts to use the Intuition EasyRequest() feature. |
REQUESTFILE | Allow AmigaDOS and ARexx scripts to use the ASL file requester. |
RESIDENT | Display and modify the list of resident commands. |
RUN | Execute commands as background processes. |
SCREENMODE | Select a display mode. |
SEARCH | Look for the specified text string in the files of the specified directory or directories. |
SERIAL | Set the specifications for communication through the serial port. |
SET | Set a local variable. |
SETCLOCK | Set or read the battery backed-up hardware clock. |
SETDATE | Change a file or directory's timestamp. |
SETENV | Set a global variable. |
SETFONT | Change the Shell font. |
SETKEYBOARD | Set the keymap for the Shell. |
SETPATCH | Make ROM patches in system software. |
SKIP | Skip to a label when executing script files. |
SORT | Alphabetically sort the lines of a file. |
SOUND | Control type of sound and sound attributes produced by Amiga. |
STACK | Display or set the stack size within the current Shell. |
STATUS | List information about Shell/CLl processes. |
TIME | Set the system clock. |
TYPE | Display a text file. |
UNALIAS | Remove an alias. |
UNSET | Remove a local variable. |
UNSETENV | Remove a global variable. |
VERSION | Find software version and revision numbers. |
WAIT | Wait for the specified time. |
WBPATTERN | Create background patterns for the Workbench and windows. |
WHICH | Search the command path for a particular item. |
WHY | Print an error message that explains why the previous command failed. |