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Coding with Arne!

Coding on powerful 68080 CPU and the 4th generation SuperAGA chipset is fun and very easy - and as Arne is just 14 years old, you can see that you can start coding at any age. Learn how to play music, how to show pictures, and how to code cool effects like a real demo coder.

Please go to download section to get the sources and executables of the examples below.

Example 1: Play CD quality music with 6 Asm instructions
This is a long Demo description, that may go on a bit, and give much more detail.
Example 2: How to show a picture, play music and have a sine scroller
This is a long Demo description, that may go on a bit, and give much more detail.
Example 3: How to show a truecolor picture with a few ASM intructions
This is a long Demo description, that may go on a bit, and give much more detail.
Example 4: A Fractal
This is a long Demo description, that may go on a bit, and give much more detail.
Example 5: Moving Lines
This is a long Demo description, that may go on a bit, and give much more detail.
Example 6: Lissajous
This is a long Demo description, that may go on a bit, and give much more detail.
Example 7: 3D Cube
This is a long Demo description, that may go on a bit, and give much more detail.
Example 8: Beautful Math
This is a long Demo description, that may go on a bit, and give much more detail.
Example 9: Waving Flag
This is a long Demo description, that may go on a bit, and give much more detail.
Example 10: Stars and Space Ship
This is a long Demo description, that may go on a bit, and give much more detail.